RSA Liquor Professionals

RSA Liquor Professionals

RSA Liquor Professionals

RSA Liquor Professionals is a complete QLD liquor licensing, training and compliance service for licensees from major hotels and events to small licensed restaurants and small businesses. RSA Liquor Professionals provides the liquor and hospitality industry with expert knowledge, advice, compliance audit, advocacy, training and application services.

Our clients and associates include:

Madocke Brewing
Pump Yard
Proof BBQ
Dunbavan Distilling
The Gresham Bar
20 20 Distillery
Grandad Jack’s Craft Distillery
Naami Bar
Char Baby
Three Brews Bar + Kitchen
The Woods
All Inn Brewing CO
Dispense Station
Beer In Cider
The Falls Festival
sirromet wines
Brooklyn Beauty Bar
Surfair Tavern
The Princess Theatre
Crafted Grounds
Archer Brewing
Hudson Brewing
Birdcage Hotel
Sandstone Point
Blute’s Bar
SouthSide Tea Room
Heads of Noosa
Happy Valley Brewing
Fortitude Brewing
wine experience
Everton Plaza

RSA Liquor Professionals is lead by its Director, Russell Steele, a former Principal Liquor Compliance Officer with the Liquor Licensing Division and Office of Liquor & Gaming Regulation. Russell brings his expertise from nine years with the State’s liquor regulator, and ten years prior experience working in and managing licensed premises and major events in Queensland and the Northern Territory.

Our Services Include:

Obtaining a new QLD Liquor Licence is a complex process and can be very daunting for a prospective Licensee whose background is more often than not in the operational management of a pub, club or restaurant rather than in negotiating the web of red tape that can be involved in getting a liquor license granted.

RSA Liquor Professionals can provide expert advice and assistance in negotiating the liquor licensing process leaving prospective licensees to focus on other key operational tasks whilst this often lengthy process is undertaken. We specialise in assisting you to obtain everything from a simple low risk premises license to obtaining licenses for complex, contentious and high risk venues. We can also assist in applying for extended trading hours, amplified entertainment, off-premises catering and other approvals that may be required.

A typical liquor license application can include the following requirements all of which can be managed by RSA Liquor Professionals on your behalf:

  • Completion of multiple OLGR application forms;
  • Preparation of a mandatory Risk Assessed Management Plan (RAMP) for the proposed licensed premises;
  • Preparation of a standard or full Community Impact Statement (CIS) including substantial information of population demographics, race, gender & employment statistics, other licensed premises profiles, assessment of community risk, community consultation and assessments of the likely health and social impacts of granting the license applied for;
  • Ensuring all town planning, fire and building approvals are in place or scheduled prior to lodgment;
  • Obtaining copies of all supporting documentation such as copies of registered plans, title searches, site plans, location maps, site photographs, menus etc.
  • Coordinating advertising of the application on site as required; and/or
  • Preparation of submissions to waive or vary advertising requirements and assistance with the objections process if applicable;
  • Completion of all mandatory training requirements for management and staff and ensuring relevant training records, practices and procedures are established prior to opening;
    Drafting of submissions including proposed Principal Activity, trading hours, standard and venue specific license conditions, licensed area description and related information to assist in streamlining the OLGR application process;
  • Acoustic testing and noise attenuation advice where required;
    Coordinating site inspections and comments by local councils, Police, and OLGR; and
  • Regular liaison and follow up with OLGR staff to ensure the application is processed within normal timeframes.

Please Download our full Fact Sheet.

One of the easiest ways to obtain a liquor license can be to purchase and transfer into an existing liquor license. Whilst seemingly simple the process often presents a number of obstacles and obtaining expert advice and assistance can save a lot of time and heartache.

Forms to transfer an existing liquor license can require the signature of both incoming and outgoing licensees, consent of the freehold property owner, mandatory training obligations need to be demonstrated, a new Risk Assessed Management Plan is required, and criminal history checks need to be undertaken and the incoming licensee needs to ensure the conditions of the license and principal activity meet the requirements of their proposed operations.

RSA Liquor Professionals can help avoid some of the common pitfalls and assist in streamlining the application process by providing a complete transfer package that includes:

  • Payment of the statutory transfer fee;
  • Completion and lodgment of transfer forms;
  • Preparation of a mandatory Risk Assessed Management Plan (RAMP) where required;
  • Review of personal details schedules;
  • Payment of up to 3 criminal history check fees;
  • ASIC search for a company extract if applicable;
  • Review of license conditions, licensed area and trading hours;
  • Advice on annual license fees;
  • Advice on Principal Activity; and
  • Regular liaison and follow up with OLGR staff to ensure the application is processed within normal timeframes.

Please Download our full Fact Sheet

Like obtaining a new license, getting a permit for a public event or one-off permit for an event at your licensed venue can be a complicated process. Licensees can benefit from experienced advice and assistance to ensure any application is given the best chance of approval and is subject to conditions that balance profitability and harm minimisation.

OLGR has established processes for approval of such permits which can include event management planning documents, consultation with Police, Council, QFRS, OLGR, Security providers and other stakeholders which can be difficult to navigate for the inexperienced or unprepared. Let us take the hassle out of your hands and assist in managing the event planning and application process for you.

OLGR has a published guideline for High-Risk Community and Commercial Public Events which may include conditions restricting glass and full-strength liquor at your event amongst other possible conditions. There are many considerations in this guideline and RSA Liquor Professionals, whose Director was a key drafter of this guideline when working for OLGR, is best placed to assist you in navigating these requirements and ensuring a safe event where harm minimisation is a priority but your event remains profitable and sustainable into the future.

Please download our full Fact Sheet