Liquor License Transfers |
One of the easiest ways to obtain a liquor license can be to purchase and transfer into an existing liquor license. Whilst seemingly simple the process often presents a number of obstacles and obtaining expert advice and assistance can save a lot of time and heartache.
Forms to transfer an existing liquor license can require the signature of both incoming and outgoing licensees, consent of the freehold property owner, mandatory training obligations need to be demonstrated, a new Risk Assessed Management Plan is required, criminal history checks need to be undertaken and the incoming licensee needs to ensure the conditions of the license and principal activity meet the requirements of their proposed operations.
It is not uncommon for a chef to purchase a restaurant within a residential resort and transfer into the license not knowing they must also operate the accommodation business to comply with the relevant Principal Activity. Similarly many restaurants and other premises provide entertainment and trade like small bars contrary to their noise conditions or Principal Activity. Prospective licensees can look at trading figures for a business they intend to purchase only to find out that the business has been operating unlawfully and they cannot operate in the same way, they often go on to lose substantial trade and face compliance action by OLGR which can result in fines and additional annual license fees.
RSA Liquor Professionals can help avoid some of the common pitfalls and assist in streamlining the application process by providing a complete transfer package from only $1,450 for low-risk premises or $,1595 for high-risk premises which includes:
- Payment of the statutory transfer fee – currently $371.10;
- Completion and lodgment of transfer forms;
- Preparation of a mandatory Risk Assessed Management Plan (RAMP) where required;
- Review of personal details schedules;
- Payment of up to 3 criminal history check fees – $38.60 each;
- ASIC search for a company extract if applicable;
- Review of license conditions, licensed area and trading hours;
- Advice on annual license fees;
- Advice on Principal Activity; and
- Regular liaison and follow up with OLGR staff to ensure the application is processed within normal timeframes.
Let us handle the transfer process for you while you focus on getting the business ready for launch when the transfer is granted. Prospective Licensees should note that a transfer typically takes between 8-12 weeks for OLGR to process and approve.
Since the inception of annual license fees in January 2009, a significant number of former licensed premises have had their license cancelled due to non-payment of fees. This can leave prospective licensees purchasing a business they believe to be licensed and facing the prospect of having to start from scratch in obtaining a new liquor license as a transfer is no longer possible. RSA Liquor Professionals can provide expert advice to either avoid or remedy this situation, feel free to call or email us for advice and assistance.