About Us
RSA Liquor Professionals is a complete liquor licensing and compliance service for licensees from major hotels and events to small licensed restaurants and small businesses. RSA Liquor Professionals provides the liquor and hospitality industry with expert knowledge, advice, compliance audit, advocacy, training and application services.
RSA Liquor Professionals provides a complete range of services to assist the liquor and hospitality industry in completing new license applications, permanent and one-off variations to existing licenses, major event and other permit applications, compliance auditing, and advocacy services. RSA Liquor Professionals also provides nationally accredited and OLGR approved RSA and RMLV training courses. RSA Liquor Professionals is a one stop shop for all liquor licensing and compliance services including: Statements
- New Liquor License Applications including Community Impact
- Detached Bottle Shop Applications
- Adult Entertainment Permit Applications
- Applications to Vary Existing Licenses
- Applications to Transfer existing licenses
- Permit applications
- Drafting and implementation of mandatory Risk Assessed Management Plans
- Major Event Planning & Compliance Services
- Compliance Audits, Consultancy and Advocacy
- Nationally Accredited & Queensland OLGR approved Responsible Service of Alcohol RSA Courses
- Queensland OLGR approved RMLV Manager’s Courses
- Staff Training & Record Keeping advice and services
- Regional & Remote Training Services
- Acoustic Testing services and noise complaint resolution
Since 2005 the Liquor Act 1992 and related legislation has gone through some of the most significant changes in the history of the Queensland liquor industry including the 17 Point Plan, State-wide 3am lockout, the introduction of annual license fees, mandatory RSA and RMLV training and bans on glass and full strength alcohol at major events. Bans on glass in high risk venues and a significant reduction in late night trading hours are also currently being considered. The need for expert advice, compliance auditing, staff and management training, major event planning, and assistance with liquor license applications has arguably never been greater.
RSA Liquor Professionals provides licensees with a complete suite of compliance, licensing, training and consultancy services to ensure compliance with the Liquor Act 1992 and related legislation at a time of unprecedented legislative change within the Liquor Industry.
Director's Profile
RSA Liquor Professionals is lead by its Director, Russell Steele, a former Principal Liquor Compliance Officer with the Liquor Licensing Division and Office of Liquor & Gaming Regulation. Russell brings his expertise from nine years with the State’s liquor regulator, and ten years prior experience working in and managing licensed premises and major events in Queensland and the Northern Territory.
Russell has in-depth knowledge of these recent changes to industry relevant legislation, OLGR practices and procedures and a highly developed ability to practically apply the requirements of legislation to the day to day operations of licensed venues. Russell is an experienced trainer who for the last five years has instructed on the Queensland Police Service Liquor Investigators Course, and now brings this experience to train staff in the mandatory Responsible Service of Alcohol course and managers in the mandatory RMLV course.
RSA Liquor Professionals provides expert advice to licensees and prospective licensees across the State and draws from the extensive experience of its Director, Mr Russell Steele, who has 19 years experience in the liquor industry as both a regulator and Hotel Manager. RSA Liquor Professionals uses an extensive network of leading industry professionals in the liquor, security, major event and training sectors to assist in implementing best practice procedures
RSA Liquor Professionals is the most up to date, comprehensive, one stop service provider to the Liquor and Hospitality Industry.