Risk Assessed Management Pla |
From January 2009 the Liquor Act 1992 requires a broad range of applications to be supported by a Risk Assessed Management Plan (RAMP) document which outlines the licensees practices and procedures at the premises. A RAMP needs to be a detailed, venue and licensee specific document that outlines how the licensee will manage the premises to ensure potential harm caused by alcohol abuse and misuse is minimised wherever possible.
A RAMP is required for each of the following applications:
- New licenses;
- Extended trading hours approvals (trading before 10am or after 12 midnight)
- Permanent variations to a License;
- Permanent changes in Licensed Area;
- Transfers of existing licenses; and
- New Restricted Liquor Permits.
RSA Liquor Professionals can provide a Basic RAMP for low risk premises with ordinary trading hours for only $275 (incl GST) or a detailed High Risk RAMP for Commercial Hotels, Nightclubs or venues with Extended Hours Approvals for only $495 (incl GST).
A RAMP must include detailed practices and procedures for each of the following:
- Responsible service of alcohol (RSA)
- Liquor Accord
- Arrangements at the premises with respect to:
- Lighting
- Noise mitigation
- Security
- Transport services
- Provision of meals
- Training of staff
- Dealing with minors on the premises
- Dealing with unduly intoxicated and disorderly patrons on the premises
- How the impact of the business on the amenity of the community will be limited
- Consultation with community and liquor industry groups
- Ensuring the conduct of business at the premises complies with the Act and other laws including –
- Footpath dining
- Designated outdoor smoking
- Advertising of events
- Number of patrons on premises
- Adult Entertainment
- Functions on premises
- Catering off site
OLGR has a detailed approval process in place which was developed by our Director, Russell Steele, when working for OLGR. This approval process may include endorsing additional conditions on your license, charging additional license fees and similar restrictions, many of which can be avoided or anticipated during the preparation of your RAMP.
Applications will not be considered or approved unless a RAMP is lodged with the application and subsequently approved by the Chief Executive. When a RAMP is approved by the Chief Executive the licensee will receive a certified copy of their RAMP stating the date of approval. This RAMP must be available for inspection at all times by an Investigator or Police, and to patrons on request. The Licensee must display signage at the premises indicating the licensee has a RAMP and that it is available for inspection on request.
The Licensee must also ensure all staff of the premises, and crowd controllers engaged at the premises, are aware of and perform duties in accordance with the approved RAMP. It is recommended staff and security training in the RAMP is recorded in the premises training register alongside RSA and RMLV certificates and other staff training records. Fully compliant training registers are available for purchase through RSA Liquor Professionals as part of our Compliance Starter Kit for only $198.00 including GST.
RSA Liquor Professionals can develop a venue and licensee specific RAMP for your premises independently or as part of a licensing application process. You will be provided with a PDF copy of your RAMP to lodge with OLGR for approval. We will also provide you with a copy of RAMP signage required to be displayed within the venue. RSA Liquor Professionals can also conduct initial staff training on the RAMP document upon request for a small additional fee.
A RAMP is not only a mandatory requirement for many applications but can be the basis for clear documented practices and procedures for staff and management to follow and can assist a Licensee in maintaining compliance with the Liquor Act 1992 and other obligations. Please don’t hesitate to contact RSA Liquor Professionals for our assistance in developing your RAMP and training your staff.